4 Actionable Tips To Make Your Husband Love You All Over Again
Is your marriage no longer what it used to be? Have the romantic, passionate nights with your husband been replaced by constant arguments? Does it feel more like you're roommates than lovers?
Have you just about given up on trying to figure out what men want from women?
If your marriage has gone stale and you want to revive your relationship with your husband and make him love you all over again, here are 4 tips to help you.
4 Tips To Make Your Husband Love You All Over Again
Before you can get your husband to love you again, you first must let go of the past. There's no doubt mistakes have been made in your relationship. He's made mistakes. You've made mistakes. Some of those mistakes may rear their ugly head over and over again.
If you want love to grow and resentment to fade, then you must let go of the past. Don't keep bringing up old arguments. You have to start over with a clean slate.
Next, learn to focus on what you love about your husband instead of focusing on his faults and flaws. Maybe you're super attracted to his body. Maybe he knows just how to touch you or hold you the right way to make you feel safe.
Maybe it's the way he always makes you laugh or the things he provides for you. If you take a few minutes to make a list, there are probably dozens of things you admire and love about your husband.
Focusing on your man in this way is what relationship expert Kara Oh refers to in her book, "Men Made Easy", as having "feminine grace". When you focus on his positive qualities, you'll start to feel yourself interacting and communicating with him in a different way. Your approach will be much more loving, and you'll be amazed at how differently he responds to you when he no longer feels guarded and defensive.
Next, bring back some passion and romance to your relationship. Don't wait for him to make the first move. Take the lead and he will follow. Try something new. Now might be the perfect time to learn how to make a guy melt.
Think back to what attracted him to you when you first started dating. Did you always look your best whenever he was going to pick you up for a date? Did you do your hair a certain way, wear a certain perfume, or wear something cute and sexy just for him?
When a man falls in love with a woman, he rarely wants her to change. Women on the other hand often fall in love with a man thinking they can turn him into a Prince Charming. If you've let yourself go or have stopped doing all the cute, sexy things you did for your husband when you first got married, then you've probably caused him to lose attraction for you.
Lastly, be proactive and make him see you as the beautiful, amazing woman he fell in love with. Many wives think the way to get what they want from their husband is to nag or complain when he does something wrong.
This only alienates him and shuts him off to love. If you want your husband to love you all over again, then take the lead and act out of feminine grace, and you'll be amazed at how differently he responds to you.
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