
Does My Ex Boyfriend Want Me Back?

Does My Ex Boyfriend Want Me Back?

Broken up, but still in love? Finding out whether or not you still have a chance of getting your boyfriend back is as easy as asking yourself some honest questions.

At one time or another, everyone goes through an unwanted break up. The actions you take immediately after your boyfriend breaks up with you will determine whether the two of you will get back together... or split up for good. Knowing the right moves to make is critical, but even more important? Knowing exactly when to make them.

But before making any moves at all, ask yourself a question: does my ex boyfriend want me back? If you're not sure of the answer, you may want to ask yourself the questions listed below:

How long were you and your ex boyfriend dating?

How long you've been dating your ex boyfriend has a direct effect on how long he can live without you. The longer you've been in a relationship with him, the harder it will be for him to let you go.

Understand that even though he may have broken up with you, the feelings and emotions your exboyfriend felt for you are still there. He may try to ignore them or even shove those feelings aside, but they're not going to easily fade away just because he wants them to. Whether or not your ex still loves you depends upon how much of an emotional bond he has to you.

By playing upon your ex's emotional attachment, you can work toward getting him back. Even the shortest of romances leaves it's mark on a guy's heart - winning him over is all about finding out what attracted him to you in the first place, and recreating that scenario as closely as possible.

How often does your ex currently contact you?

The amount of contact your ex makes with you is an important indication of how much he still needs you in his life. The more an ex tries to keep in touch with you after a break up, the more he's uncomfortable with the idea of losing you. Therefore the more contact you have with him, the better.

Even more crucial? Whether or not your ex is initiating that contact. Does my ex boyfriend want me back? Any time he calls or emails you without prompting, it's a good sign that he's thinking about you. Getting back into your ex's head is a critical part of getting him to want you back.

In the event your ex has hardly contacted you, or hasn't gotten back in touch at all? Don't panic. You can work on learning just the right reconnection techniques that will insert you back in his life again. Talking to your ex again after a long period of no contact is one of the initial steps necessary in winning your boyfriend back.

In what ways does your ex boyfriend contact you?

The type of contact that your ex makes with you is just as important as how often your communication occurs. An ex who talks to you exclusively through email could be trying to stay friendly, but one who text-messages you is showing even more interest. Even in today's world of constant electronic communication, a guy won't generally keep up this type of contact if he's not at least somewhat interested in having you around.

Phone calls are a lot more personal. If you and your ex are carrying on a back-and-forth phone relationship, it's a very positive indication he still has feelings for you. And yes, these feelings go beyond friendship - no matter what your ex may be telling you.

Finally, if your ex boyfriend is stopping by to physically see you? This is even more of a sign that he still loves you. Any time an ex shows up to see you for some face-to-face contact, he's missing you past the point of a simple phone or email conversation. Being away from you is enough that he's developed the need to stop by or ask you to meet with him - an excellent step in the direction of reconciliation.

Now if you've only just broken up and you don't have any kind of ex boyfriend contact right now? Don't worry so much about it. Spending some time apart is always helpful when it comes to making your ex appreciate having you around. The reconnection will eventually occur, and there are even ways you can help accelerate the process.

How long after the breakup did your ex first contact you?

An ex boyfriend who's unsure about ending your relationship will usually initiate first contact. When you're the one who has to start the post-breakup communication, it's not as great a sign of interest.

If your ex took several weeks to get back in touch with you, chances are good you did the right thing. By leaving him alone for a while, he's had the chance to miss you. By not being on the other end of his phone or computer, your exboyfriend got a solid glimpse of what single life is like... and still needed to call or contact you.

A boyfriend who breaks up with you and then calls the next day? This is a sign he was never really sure of the break up to begin with. He still loves and has enough feelings for you that he's trying to keep tabs on you right from the start.

Also keep in mind that no contact with your ex after the break up is not necessarily a bad thing. Depending upon how long it's been since you've communicated with each other, taking time away from your relationship can be very good for the both of you. Reconciliation can't happen until you're both wanting each other back.

There are 8 Individual Steps that will Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend, so find out what they are! And for more ideas on how to successfully reconnect with him, check out Back With Ex.

There are 8 Individual Steps in learning http://www.howtogetbackanexboyfriend.com so find out what they are! And for more ideas on how to reconnect with him, check out http://www.backwithex.com


Adele said...

Has a guy ever given you mixed signals?

One minute he’s crazy about you and the next minute you have no clue if he ever wants to see you again?

And it’s especially hard when there’s something special between you and you have no idea what went wrong.

I assure you it’s nothing that you did.

In fact, he may even care about you a great deal and still not be able to stop himself from acting this way.

But why does this happen?

There’s one BIG reason why men do this...

And I discovered this eye opening video that will shed some light on this bizarre behaviour.

Insert subject line here and link it to: <=========> Your ex won’t be able to resist?

It all comes down to a missing “secret ingredient” that not one in a thousand women knows about...

And it’s the biggest factor that determines whether a man just “likes” you...

...or if he sees you as “The One.”

You see, this “secret ingredient” is so important to a man that no matter how attracted to you he is, or how strong your chemistry is...

If it’s missing, he’ll never be able to truly give his heart to you...

And he will always have an unshakeable urge to seek out a woman who has this one “secret ingredient.”

Here’s what I’m talking about: <=========> The difference between “like” and “love” (most women miss this)

On the other hand, when you know this powerful “secret ingredient”...

...you won’t believe how effortless, passionate and bulletproof your relationship can be.

Trust me, this is going to blow you away.

Discover it here: ==> Men fall in love with women who have this “secret ingredient”

Thanks again.

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