
Dating Tips: 3 Indications A Guy Likes You

Dating Tips: 3 Indications A Guy Likes You

Females can't stand being turned down. Its one thing for a guy to be turned down, but let's face it: for women it happens less often, making it all the more ghastly when it occurs. There are of course non confrontational ways to approach men, like going to a speed dating event, or giving online dating a try. Though they offer less pressure, no matter how you go about it, there will always be some hazard of prospective refusal at some point.

Sadly, rejection is a part of life.

Luckily, much of it can be avoided.

If you pay attention to mannerisms and other behaviors, you can begin to develop a sixth sense for picking up any romantic attention directed your way. Learning to read the signs of a boy interested in you will reduce your rejection rate, and enhance your dating stats.

Guy or girl, singles are often far too inhibited in aiming their romantic intention. We often send mixed cues because we have no idea what is going on in our own heads, let alone in another person's. What's needed is an outlined set of cues that let you know when a man is interested in you.

Three Indications - Signs He Is Interested:

1) He's everywhere.  Have you ever met a boy, and all the sudden you see him everywhere you go? It's likely. When a male likes you, he will do anything he can to get you to notice him. Whether it's dropping by because he was "in the area" or phoning because he forgot some small detail you discussed, a male who likes you will manage to appear as much as possible in an attempt to gauge your opinion of him.

2) He mimics you.  Research show that when you are attracted to someone, you begin to pick up similar routines, mannerisms, and language. Remember that copying is the best level of flattery. If you notice he is using your catch phrases, giving the same facial mannerisms, or using your humor, chances are he's digging you.

3) He gets close to you.  Men are notoriously territorial. Normally, they require at least a couple of feet between them and anyone they interact with. If you notice him letting you get closer than that, by his own choice, it's an indication that he wants you to get closer to him.


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