
Dating Email Etiquette - 5 Online Dating Email Advice and Tips

Dating Email Etiquette - 5 Online Dating Email Advice and Tips

Nowadays, more and more people are using online dating sites to find a partner. If you have been using online dating sites for quite a while, there may come a time whereby you need to start sending out emails to contact the other party. You may have this question, "How should I write my email?"

Do not neglect how you write your write your email. It does play a part in your dating success. In this article, let us go through the various dating email etiquette.

Dating Email Etiquette 1: Protect Your Own Privacy

Before you send out any email, it is very important to know more about the potential dangers of online dating. Therefore, try not to use your regular email address in your first contact with anyone.

You may want to create a new email account using a pseudonym instead of your real name. It will be best to look for online dating sites that provide in house email services.

Dating Email Etiquette 2: Be Yourself

Don't try to be someone you are not. Remember, if you are looking for a long term relationship, you will have to meet up one day. Write your email like how you will usually talk to someone. Also, do not lie with the intention of impressing the other party. The truth will show itself very soon.

Dating Email Etiquette 3: Praise with Sincerity

All human beings like to be praised, as long as it sincere. Tell your prospect why you decided to contact him/her. What attracted you to him/her?

Dating Email Etiquette 4: Short and Sweet

Don't write a 10, 000 words essay. Be direct and to the point. Be friendly. Try to keep every paragraph short. For every long paragraph, break it out into two. A long paragraph is not easy to read. With so many spam emails nowadays, you want to make sure that your email is readable so that it will be read.

Dating Email Etiquette 5: Be Responsive

Whenever you send out an email, you expect people to respond fast. Therefore, you should also try to respond to any email as soon as possible. If you do not wish to communicate with a person anymore, it is only polite to tell him/her and explain why.

The above 5 etiquettes are a general guideline and is not a rule of thumb. If you have any better ideas, feel free to implement them.


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