
Collectors Find Value In Antique Clocks And Plates

Collectors Find Value In Antique Clocks And Plates

Historical artifacts become prized possessions for collectors that are in the market for antiques. Plates, clocks and ceramic figurines are among the more valued items that many people cherish. Put on display for visitors to see antique plates can be hung above an entryway or on a mantle that is dedicated to the designs and patterns of old china and ceramics. Many of the older plates are hand painted and have depictions of landscapes and scenery from foreign lands. Being valued because of the artist that created them or the period and location that they were forged in the plates that are sought out by collectors come from all over the world.

Dating back a 100 years or more the fine china sets of plates and tea cups can be worth a great deal of money to the people that make it a point to preserve the historical items of the past. In many instances the rare old antique plates are inlaid with gold making them even more valuable to the owner. Compete sets of china and silverware may still be used but for a collector the addition of a set of plates is far too precious to be put into service and must be preserved.

Likewise time pieces that date back several decades are coveted by the owners of rare antique clocks. Worth far more today than they were when they were originally built by master clockmakers of years long past, the appeal of an antique timepiece attracts the attention of many buyers that are looking for an historic period piece to add to their collection. Clocks date back many centuries and can be very valuable because of the intricate work that has gone into their design.

Using small springs and cogs that wind the clock and keep perfect time the older and more prestigious a time keeper is the more money it is worth. Some antique clocks that date back to the time of Louis XIV of France are valued at hundreds of thousands of dollars and sell at auction for prices that collectors bid near the million dollar mark for.

Even the smaller ceramic figurines that are made of Dalton china are worth more today than they were when they were first cast. Available in a number of different styles and poses collectible figurines keep a place of honor on bookshelves and mantles where they are displayed proudly. With many different types of antiques all gaining in value finding rare and precious artifacts requires the work of a dedicated collector that can spot a bargain and find a home for a small work of art that was crafted many years ago.


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