
Body Language and Flirting

Body Language and Flirting

Men who are tired of approaching women and getting turned down flat, should think of another way to tell if the woman they are interested in wants to talk to them.

It doesn't take a psychic ability or special mindreading powers to tell if a woman wants to talk to a man. But it does take knowledge of a special language – the language that your body speaks without you even realizing.

The signals your body sends let other people know your emotions sometimes even before you realize what you are feeling yourself. The ability to read a woman's body language puts you that much more ahead of the game.

Women let you know if they are interested in being approached by the way they sit, by what their hands or doing and where they are looking. If you learn the techniques and tips that show you the body language cues, you will figure out how to save yourself time, money and heartache.

When you are talking to a woman, if her knees and legs are pointing toward you, you are probably in good shape. If they are pointing toward the door, she wants to get away.

Does she play with her hair when she is talking to you? She likes you. I want you to notice where her purse or handbag is located in relation to you. If it is nearby, she likes you. Handbags are essentially considered an extension of a woman and she won't let you near it if she doesn't like you.

Here are a few other signs:

• Raised eyebrows indicate interest as well as widening pupils.
• Mimicking body language. For instance, if you cross your legs, and she crosses your legs, she's interested. If you put your hand on your chin and then she does the same, she likes you.
• Licking her lips. That really is a good sign.
• Touching you. This is still considered body language and is a great indicator that someone is interested in you.
• Playing with her accessories is another good signal that she likes you.

If you don't know about body language, I suggest you pick up a book on it and memorize it. It will save you tons of money and time.

Another great thing you will learn by reading this book is how to convey body language that portrays you as self confident and charismatic. All of this can be communicated simply through body language.

Learn how to stand in a way that shows that you are a confident man who knows what he wants and knows what he likes and isn't afraid to show it.

The way you move and stand and even the way you talk can make you more desirable.

Learn the cues and signals that we send through body language and then make sure it works to your advantage and helps you to attract and meet women who also want you.

You will be a head above the rest simply by learning to decipher the nonverbal clues that we all send to one another.


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